Claire Cassell, Clarity Spiritual Direction and Life Coaching, SPEAKER AT GOSPEL BRUNCH

  • Spiritual Affiliation - Lutheran (ELCA)

  • Spiritual Direction Training Program - Center for Spiritual Guidance, Minneapolis, MN, 1996

  • Specialties -I have been a Spiritual Director for over 25 years and specialize in wellness for body, mind and spirit. I am also a Certified Life Coach. I teach and practice Qigong and am a Healing Touch and Reiki practitioner. I teach classes and lead workshops and retreats on meditation, prayer and a variety of other spiritual topics. I have a specialty in addictions work and I have served as a chaplain at several Chemical Dependency Centers including Hazelden in Minnesota.

  • Other Information: I am an ordained pastor and am currently serving part-time as a chaplain at Lutheran Medical Center and West Pines Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Center in Wheat Ridge.

Reverend Lada Hardwicke

Reverend Lada

Reverend Lada Hardwicke went to seminary at the University of the South-”Sewanee. She got her degree in Social Work and worked at the West Virginina Mental Health Agency and Child and Family Services in Knoxville, Tennessee. She has been in the Diocese of West Virginia and North Carolina as Canon Missioner. Since moving to Boulder with her Husband Dave, she has had more time to spend with her married children and grandchildren.